This Timeline will make more sense when I put the maps on the site. 

0 CHCH Time - Atlantians settle on Kitchen

3 CHCH Time - Quesaoplis Built

17 CHCH Time - First map of the Shire

34 CHCH Time - Fablian Islands discovered

106 CHCH Time - First climbing of Ringed Mountain

159 CHCH Time - Milk Country established

310 - First Settlement of Cracker Island

392 - Construction started on Ybish Tower 

511 - Construction started on Fort Butterfinger

527 - First Climbing of Eagle Craig

530 - Meta Gate Built

700 - Fort Cream and Battlefield Built

776 - Construction completed on Ybish Tower

799 - Bridge to Sea built

800 - Saliveaux, Joyuice and Hoville built

890 - Creamed Country established with Iyce as capital

901 - First climbing of Glacial Peak

950 - Nut Island settled

951 - Planting of Green Greens

960 - Jet Engine invented

992 - Meatland established, first climbing and settlement of Apple Plateau

999 - Chicken and Cheese New Millenium Project started

1000 - First landing on the Moon, first interplanetary travel system, Chicken and Cheese One Millenium Anniversary

1002 CHCH Time - First Laser system

1003 - First starship

1006 - Pickulon's Empire discovered, battles

1009 - First hovercraft, discovery of Island of the Ancients

1010 - Pickulon's First Great War

1015 - First sign of extraterrestrial life

1037 - First starship to reach warp speed (Warp 1)

1040 - Invention of the transporter (teleporter)

1052 - Aliens respond to radio hails, and are friendly

1053 - Subspace com system developed

1096 - Thought interface control developed

1101 - First diplomacy with Tomatino

1142 - Fort Septaques constructed

1150 - Quesapolis made into Cheeseman's private county

1172 - Cheese Factory and the Wonderful World of Cheese built

1200 - First transonic flight within Earth's atmosphere

1201 - First transonic land vehicle

1209 - Lunar colony established

1254 - Longest solar eclipse on record - 50 days!

1260 - Meta Gate upgraded

1290 - Frontierland and Orange Country established

1300 - Approximate date of Perviewn War

1317 - Approximate date of establishment of Demilitarized Zone

1409 - Pickulon's Second Great War

1470 CHCH Time - First contact with Ellurians aboard CHCH Space Station

1484 - Veilland unsuccesfully assaults Frontierland

1492 - Chicken and Cheese cross Atlantian Ocean, and for the first time in 1,492 years, the Chicken and Cheese meet the Atlantians

1500 - Chicken and Cheese Millenia 1.5 Celebration

1576 - Cyborg invasion of southern Atlantis

1577 - Treaty of Micron frees Vista Island from cyborg control

1595 - World's worst nuclear fusion reactor meltdown in HISTORY!

1601 - Veilland finally allows Chicken Man to enter the Legendary Land of Kitchen

1666 - Spinachio begins Campaigne du Gerden (Garden Campaign)

1667 - Spinachio defeats the forces of Frontierland

1668 - Spinachio attacks the Apple Kingdom but withdraws with limited success

1669 - Spinachio attacks Orange Country and defeats the army but is shot down by the Presidential Guard, Chicken and Cheese forces deactivate Spinachio's unused "VegTorp"s in Veilland

1670 - Spinachio arrested and executed

1672 - Although he died 2 years ago, Spinachio was regrown using a process known as "gene seeding", using spinach plants and Spinachio's DNA

1680 - Lettuceland quits its alliance with Spinachio, who tried to prevent their seccesion but was immediately defeated

1690 - Southern United Nations (SUN) established (including Kingsland)

1693 - Kingsland leaves the SUN

1700 - First landing on the largest moon of the planet Majis, which was found to be a gas giant

1709 - A Chicken and Cheese team was found missing (?) after spending 1 week in Tomatino's Kingdom; they were never found

1734 - Terasians visit Coastough

1782 - Squashbucklers attempt to invade Legendary Land of Kitchen

1810 - Quantam computers released to the public

1854 - First DNA-based computer built and named "MR."

1912 - First Antimatter star discovered after a 40 year search

1946 - Dark Flow identified

1999 - Preparations for DuoMillenia Rocket and party underway

2000 - Chicken and Cheese DuoMillenia Celebration, launch of the world's largest firework rocket, and the 2,000 year anniversary of the Chicken and Cheese Empire

2001 - Pickulon attacks the SUN with unknown outcome

2002 - Master Mushroom builds the Spore and targets it at Kentucky, also Justin and Nick Time develop the first time machine, the Early Bird

2003 - Underground Radio Plate inserted for antique radios

2004 - First Chicken and Cheese visit to Eldonland, where Colonel Corn meets Cookie, and the Early Bird is retired for safety reasons

2005 - Pickulon attacks the Legendary Land of Kitchen, Kingsland, Lettuceland, Cruthon and Cake Country (beginning of World War 1)

2006 - Chicken and Cheese develop atomic weapons

2007 - Chicken and Cheese defeat Pickulon at Cake Country using 3 atomic rockets and 1 atomic bomb

2008 - Chicken and Cheese defeat Pickulon at the Legendary Land of Kitchen using 5 atomic rockets and 10 atomic bombs

2009 - Chicken and Cheese defeat Pickulon at Cruthon using 2 atomic rockets, Justin and Nick Time develop safer time travel machines, Pickulon takes over Lettuceland and forces a neverending treaty with its government and fired atomic rockets at Lettuceland protestors, Cream Hall attacked and abandoned, End of WW1, discovery of Biluma

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